I don't think we are all realists, living in the moment.
Sometimes I call it the other world. Depending on the person it might be more of dream world or fantasy world. For some it might be a vision that helps thousands. For many others it's just a hint of a better life that pulls them along through what they really are living out.
To some degree we all live in an imaginary life that we try to show those on the outside.
It's why we enjoy superhero movies or other wildly unrealistic fiction as grown adults and we don't feel silly. It's why we keep believing the commercials.
But there's always some other world we work toward, comfort ourselves with or we actually believe and we fight to keep it feeling real.
We surround ourselves with people who allow us to keep the dream alive. We avoid or maybe even hate some of those who would make us see it for what it is.
We can get quite a following telling people about the better world that's close enough if they reach out, or more likely just pay enough.
I'm not saying it's bad to have a dream of a better world. I don't even think we can really live any other way. In fact, i believe we were made for another world and that's why, in so many ways, we all feel out of place here. Something is not right, but maybe if we just do...whatever, it will be closer to that world I know could exist.
One thing I'm learning, though, is it's not enough to just see it, want to be the and lift it up for others to marvel about. We also need to love others enough to bring them along.